

Astrology is the study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, to understand their influence on human lives and events.

A birth chart, or natal chart, is a personalized map of the sky at the exact moment of your birth. It shows the positions of the planets and zodiac signs, providing insights into your personality and life path.

A zodiac sign is one of the twelve divisions of the zodiac, each associated with specific personality traits and characteristics. Your Sun sign is determined by your birth date.

The Moon sign represents the position of the Moon at your birth and reflects your emotions, instincts, and inner self, complementing your Sun sign.

The Rising Sign, or Ascendant, is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at your birth. It influences how you present yourself to the world and your first impressions.

Astrological houses are twelve divisions of a birth chart that represent different life areas, such as relationships, career, and home. The planets' positions in these houses provide insights into various aspects of your life.

Aspects are the angles formed between planets in a birth chart. They indicate how planets interact with each other, influencing events and personality traits.

Many people find astrology to be a useful tool for self-reflection and guidance. However, its accuracy can vary based on individual beliefs and interpretations.

Astrology can offer insights and trends based on planetary movements, but it does not provide exact predictions. It highlights potential outcomes and influences.

You can start learning astrology by reading books, taking online courses, or following reputable astrology websites and communities to deepen your understanding.